- 9446078587, 9446256884
- principalscouncil@gmail.com
The Council of Principals of Colleges in Kerala is an inter-regional platform for principals of colleges to interact, evaluate and reflect on the current trends in the higher education sector in the state and be proactive accordingly. It has been playing its due role in the higher education scenario of the state by serving as the only common platform for the academic and administrative leaders of the tertiary education. It has been facilitating the principals to prepare and execute the action plan evolved out of common consensus, to bring to the attention of the Universities and the Government of Kerala and its concern on emerging issues and tendencies and to organize academic platforms for seminars, workshops etc. At present, principals of most of the private aided colleges under various educational agencies spread over the State under Kerala, Calicut, Mahatma Gandhi and Kannur Universities are active members of the Council.
The Council had its humble beginning has early as in 1968-69 as an immediate response to the Kerala University Bill of 1967.Principals were agitated against the University’s move to take away the academic privileges of principals. A meeting of the college principals was convened at Ernakulum in 1968 which gave birth to the Council. The founder president of the Council was Rev. Fr. T. C. Thomas (Mar Thoma College, Thiruvalla), the founder Secretary was Prof. K. A Jaleel (Farooq College, Calicut) and founder Treasurer was Dr. M. Sreenivasan (S. N. College, Kollam). Under the able guidance and leadership of this trio, the Council made much headway. For a long time principals of government colleges were active members of the council.
MoreThe Council of Principals of Colleges in Kerala, popularly known as the Principals’ Council was registered as a body at Kozhikode under the “Registration of Societies Act” Act XXI of 1860 as S. No 21 to 1971.In the Memorandum of Association of the Council, eight aims and objectives are listed, of which the first one is “to bring together the heads of colleges in the state to study the academic and administrative problems facing them and to evolve by common consultation satisfactory solutions for them”
The Memorandum of Association was signed on 7th February 1971 for the registration of the council at Kozhikode. Since its formation it has been active in organizing seminars, conferences and workshops for principals on academic and administrative topics. Great scholars and academicians addressed the sessions and General Body meetings. It sued for the position of principals for the good of the higher education system. It stood for the de-linking of pre degree programme from college campus. The Council has been
India has the second largest higher education system of the world after that of China. The expansion of the higher education in the country after independence has been phenomenal in terms of the number of institutions.
The higher education scenario in our country is confronting a number of challenges. Though the nature and extent of higher education was widened in the post-independence period